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     ISO 9001國際品質驗證/ ISO 9001 Certificated


    新型專利 M570225/ Utility Model Patent No.M570225


    新型專利 M571441/ Utility Model Patent No.M571441


    新型專利 M356863/ Utility Model Patent No.M356863


    新型專利 M470186/ Utility Model Patent No.M470186


    新型專利 M571937/ Utility Model Patent No.M571937
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    • 公司簡介

    本公司前身為泰山五金工廠,成立於民國五十二年,由董事長鄭泰山先生所創立, 秉持誠信為經營之本的理念,初期以鑄造、壓鑄產品為主。自民國六十年轉型為機械加工,生產瓦斯龍頭、考克,為國內多家瓦斯公司的主要供應商,民國七十三年改以遠環企業有限公司登記,至今已有60年的歷史。期間不斷開發新產品以供應社會進步之需要,如:八十三年研發超流量自動遮斷瓦斯安全開關、八十八年研發附鎖安全球閥以及九十八年研發具備感熱裝置的新型龍頭等,至今已有多項國內外專利產品,並通過ISO 9001國際品質驗證,品質可靠。


    The former of Chin Yuan Huan, Taishan Hardware Company, is founded in 1963 by Chairman, Mr. Tai-Shan Cheng. Taishan Hardware Company, in early days, was operating product lines of casting and die-casting goods, afterward, transfer to mechanical processing in 1917. Since then, we became one of the top suppliers of gas valves and cocks to gas companies. In1984, we renamed as Chin Yuan Huan Enterprise Co., Ltd, and so far we have been devoted to our business for 60 years. To meet the growth of market needs, Chin Yuan Huan Company is dedicated to provide its customers innovative, high value-added products, such as gas flow shut-off cock in 1994, safety ball valve with installed lock in 1999, and in 2009 a new valve with thermal device has invented. A majority of our products are patent and ISO 9001 certificated. Last but not least, we are devoted to produce advanced, trustworthy and reliable products.

    • 經營理念



    As a professional gas safety valves and accessories manufacturer, all products are under seriously quality control, one by one go through air-seal test and pressure resistance test. In 2008, we introduced 2.5D vision measuring machine and roundness tester to ensure the quality. In recently yeas, gas explode occurs accidentally, we see this as our duty to make a safer gas-using environment. In order to continuously satisfy customer needs and improve product quality, we develop safe and durable products to meet customer needs and ensure the safety of gas-using environment. Due to our consistently efforts, we enjoy good reputation in the field over years.






  • 嚴格的品質管理/Strict Quality Control



    Manual discussion on specification proposed by customers, and giving best solution.


    System being designed based on specification discussed.


    Our team provides the best solution.


    Our consistent ideas to pursue efficiency, excellence, quality, and exact service through continuous innovation and teamwork.

    專業的檢測儀器 / Professional Test Machines

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    (2.5D Image Measuring Instrument JMT300E)

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    *台灣東京精密 真圓度‧圓筒形狀測量儀 RONDCOM NEX Rs

    (World's highest rotation accuracy of 0.02+3.2H/10000μm contributes to production of highly accurate parts.)

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    (Air seal test)

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    (Floating ball flow meter)

  • Products/產品

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  • 聯絡我們/Contact Us

    For more information

    • Email: yuan.huan@msa.hinet.net
    • 地址 / Address:  No. 2, Baotai 6th Rd.Zhubei city , Hsinchu county, Taiwan /30266 新竹縣竹北市保泰六路2號
    • 電話 / Phone: +886-3-5565859 (Taiwan)
    • 傳真 / FAX:+886-3-5565819
  • 報價/Quote

    8am-5pm Monday to Friday